spirols (spirols) wrote in torontoru,

"Король умер. Да здравствует король!"

Тело умершей Елезоветы II еще не предано земле, а Принц Чарльз стал Королем. Пока...

Приведу здесь толкования (по-моему, это будет правильное слово) предсказаний Нострадамуса на этот счет.
Они взяты мной из книги “Nostradamus : the complete prophecies for the future” английского автора Mario Reading (умер 29 January 2017). Книга выпущена в 2006 году издательством Watkins Publishing, Лондон.
При необходимости воспользуйтесь Google translate.

•Page 94
Now, given the contents of 10/22 - 2022 [Abdication Of Charles III Of England], all of this becomes very relevant indeed. The implication of that quatrain is that Prince William being out of the picture, Prince Harry becomes king in his father’s stead. Thanks to the fragility of Prince Charles’s marriage to Princess Diana, a certain measure of skeptical doubt has often manifested itself over Prince Harry’s true paternity. If it were to be the case that Harry was not Charle’s son and if it were to be the case that situation arose in which he to be offered the throne, then Nostradamus’s prediction would undoubtedly be proved true. The “offering of jewels” in line 2 refers, of course, to the Crown Jewels of England (which include two great Cullinan diamonds, and the near-mythical Koh-i-Noor), and the verb meurtrir, to bruise, beautifully sums up a possible crisis of conscience over a deception. The rest (as they don’t say) is history.
Summary: Prince Harry takes over from Prince William as the formal successor to his father – the future King Charles III – as ruler of the United Kingdom.

• Page 97
The future King Charles III and his Princess Consort, the former Camilla Parker Bowles, will find themselves faced with a constitutional crisis after the death of Charles’s mother, Queen Elizabeth II. This crisis will be provoked by the Church of England, which is traditionally headed by the monarch. The General Synod, motivated by a desire to run its own affairs without interference from the State, will contrive the crisis based on an attack on the couple’s civil wedding. Legally, the attack will be without foundation, and judgment will be found in the couple’s favour, but, by using the power of the proletariat (i.e. through the media), the General Synod will get its way. The relevant index date is afforded by the next quatrain, 10/22 - 2022, which continues the prediction.

• Page 99
This quatrain will come as no surprise to the British people, and it has wide implications. The first is that Queen Elizabeth II will die, circa 2022, at the age of around ninety- six, five years short of her mother’s term of life. Prince Charles will be crowned in her stead, and become ‘King of the Islands’, the implication here being that he is no longer king of the other regions in the world over which his mother reigned - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. - which will have, in the interim, become republics. Prince Charles will be seventy-four years old in 2022, when he takes over the throne, but the resentments held against him by a certain proportion of the British population, following his divorce from Diana, Princess of Wales, still persist. The pressure on him is so great, and his age so much against him, that Charles agrees to abdicate in favour of his son. The question is, which son? For in the last line Nostradamus makes it very clear that ‘a man will replace him who never expected to be king. Does this mean that Prince William, who would have expected to succeed his father, is no longer in the picture? And that Prince Harry, by process of default, becomes king in his stead? That would make him King Henry IX, aged just thirty-eight.

Для скептиков, что интеренет полон всего и всякого, что? впрочем, является правдой, привожу фото двух страниц, приведенных выше.

А завтра, 15 Сентября, Принцу Гарри исполняется как раз 38 лет.

И, как говорится, "поживем-увидим".
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